Majority of Indian Men, who are in a patriarchal milieu think and consider that the women- especially their wives- are mere chattels and have no dignity or mind of her own. They think they have an entrenched patriarchal right to bash their wives left right and centre.
If she is more educated, and better employed drawing lucrative salary and perks etc than them, the male ego in them gets thrashed and such husbands start nursing an inferiority complex and jealousy against their wives from day one of their marriage. This is not to speak of less fortunate housewives, who don't have good education and a career of their take pride in. They are financially dependent on their husbands for every small wish of theirs'. These poor housewives mostly bear the brunt of their husbands disappointments, false male ego and workplace irritations and wrath etc etc in the form of daily beatings and vulgar verbal abuse on their bodies and minds respectively.. In both these cases husbands think that their wives can't be subjugated to them or their families except through the weapon of indiscriminate and mind boggling violence.
Thus, both the highly educated and financially independent and also their less fortunate economically dependent sisters who are mere wives are constantly subjected to physical, psychological and emotional abuse at the husbands' and their in laws hands. .
The fortunate first category of women can escape this kind of daily harassment and abuse of all kinds at their husbands' and in laws hands, by simply divorcing them through a court room battle. But, the less fortunate second category of wives/housewives are thrown lock, stock and barrel by their inhuman and cruel husbands, manytimes along with their children, and sometimes without children; in the latter case husbands and in laws prefer retaining the custody of children.
I strongly urge the Central and all State Governments to create Women's Welfare Funds inviting contributions from philanthropic minded rich persons including the upper middle class people.People contributing to such funds should be given tax sops as women, who constitute half of our population are the most discriminated lot. The disbursal of such funds to the needy women should be manned by persons with clean track record of public service and philanthropic services .These funds should be utilized for imparting training to these hapless husband battered and harassed wives in soft skills such as how to be more self- confident, how to communicate more effectively, how to be self respectful, dignified and be self reliant through vocational or other educational training in accordance with their individual talents.They should be provided opportunities to get gainfully employed or self employed. Right now, although, the Indian Domestic Violence Law, and Property Law and Family Laws etc are to some extent fighting this inequality, and the menace of wife beating and other forms of Domestic Violence such as dowry harassment and dowry deaths etc with some success, the law is not fully geared up to meet fully, this cruel and dangerous menace head on. In most cases husbands' try to escape the law by denying maintenance and custody of children or paying a paltry sum as maintenance and come up with all kinds of false allegations and excuses to deny the hapless women of both these categories- their due maintenance or compensation , custody oi children etc.,
My suggestions to curb this menace are the following:
1) Create a Women's Welfare Fund both at the States level and at the Central Levels and meet the psychological, educational and economical needs of the hapless and needy wives..
2) Make all the existing laws to protect victims of domestic violence effective, efficient and more potent in every way by removing the loopholes in women's laws and strengthening them in every way so that these laws are given more teeth and become more stringent, punitive and deterrent in the real sense of these terms.The entire machinery for the making/unmaking of these laws and their enforcement should be composed of individuals with clean credentials and exemplary track record in public service.
3) The Women's Welfare Funds should be utilized in making the victims of domestic violence self reliant, economically independent. through gainful employment in some organization or self employed
Majority of Indian Men, who are in a patriarchal milieu think and consider that the women- especially their wives- are mere chattels and have no dignity or mind of her own. They think they have an entrenched patriarchal right to bash their wives left right and centre.
If she is more educated, and better employed drawing lucrative salary and perks etc than them, the male ego in them gets thrashed and such husbands start nursing an inferiority complex and jealousy against their wives from day one of their marriage. This is not to speak of less fortunate housewives, who don't have good education and a career of their take pride in. They are financially dependent on their husbands for every small wish of theirs'. These poor housewives mostly bear the brunt of their husbands disappointments, false male ego and workplace irritations and wrath etc etc in the form of daily beatings and vulgar verbal abuse on their bodies and minds respectively.. In both these cases husbands think that their wives can't be subjugated to them or their families except through the weapon of indiscriminate and mind boggling violence.
Thus, both the highly educated and financially independent and also their less fortunate economically dependent sisters who are mere wives are constantly subjected to physical, psychological and emotional abuse at the husbands' and their in laws hands. .
The fortunate first category of women can escape this kind of daily harassment and abuse of all kinds at their husbands' and in laws hands, by simply divorcing them through a court room battle. But, the less fortunate second category of wives/housewives are thrown lock, stock and barrel by their inhuman and cruel husbands, manytimes along with their children, and sometimes without children; in the latter case husbands and in laws prefer retaining the custody of children.
I strongly urge the Central and all State Governments to create Women's Welfare Funds inviting contributions from philanthropic minded rich persons including the upper middle class people.People contributing to such funds should be given tax sops as women, who constitute half of our population are the most discriminated lot. The disbursal of such funds to the needy women should be manned by persons with clean track record of public service and philanthropic services .These funds should be utilized for imparting training to these hapless husband battered and harassed wives in soft skills such as how to be more self- confident, how to communicate more effectively, how to be self respectful, dignified and be self reliant through vocational or other educational training in accordance with their individual talents.They should be provided opportunities to get gainfully employed or self employed. Right now, although, the Indian Domestic Violence Law, and Property Law and Family Laws etc are to some extent fighting this inequality, and the menace of wife beating and other forms of Domestic Violence such as dowry harassment and dowry deaths etc with some success, the law is not fully geared up to meet fully, this cruel and dangerous menace head on. In most cases husbands' try to escape the law by denying maintenance and custody of children or paying a paltry sum as maintenance and come up with all kinds of false allegations and excuses to deny the hapless women of both these categories- their due maintenance or compensation , custody oi children etc.,
My suggestions to curb this menace are the following:
1) Create a Women's Welfare Fund both at the States level and at the Central Levels and meet the psychological, educational and economical needs of the hapless and needy wives..
2) Make all the existing laws to protect victims of domestic violence effective, efficient and more potent in every way by removing the loopholes in women's laws and strengthening them in every way so that these laws are given more teeth and become more stringent, punitive and deterrent in the real sense of these terms.The entire machinery for the making/unmaking of these laws and their enforcement should be composed of individuals with clean credentials and exemplary track record in public service.
3) The Women's Welfare Funds should be utilized in making the victims of domestic violence self reliant, economically independent. through gainful employment in some organization or self employed
4) Legal Awareness along with general education should be provided right
from primary school level by making it part of the academic curricula- as I
see, still in many parts of India, Child Marriages and Teenage pregnancies etc
are taking place leaving such hapless children and teenagers on the roads,
after suffering domestic violence and other kinds of abuse..
5) Every Girl Child should be given a Mandatory Free Martial Arts Training right from Primary School level so as to make her more Self confident, and also use her self denfence training in these Martial Arts against perpetrators of violence against her body, mind and her property.
6) Lastly, attitudinal and mindset changes in our Society regarding acceptance of women being equal and having dignity on par with their male counterparts etc would ultimately result in the disappearance of all sorts of Gender Discrimination against women including Domestic Violence. The bottom line is that: :if such an egalitarian society is created, the currently prevalent gender discrimination/bias and the resultant Domestic Violence etc would ultimately wane .I Welcome Such a Society in the near future.
Ms.Nirmala P.Rao
Legal Expert And Political Analyst
5) Every Girl Child should be given a Mandatory Free Martial Arts Training right from Primary School level so as to make her more Self confident, and also use her self denfence training in these Martial Arts against perpetrators of violence against her body, mind and her property.
6) Lastly, attitudinal and mindset changes in our Society regarding acceptance of women being equal and having dignity on par with their male counterparts etc would ultimately result in the disappearance of all sorts of Gender Discrimination against women including Domestic Violence. The bottom line is that: :if such an egalitarian society is created, the currently prevalent gender discrimination/bias and the resultant Domestic Violence etc would ultimately wane .I Welcome Such a Society in the near future.
Ms.Nirmala P.Rao
Legal Expert And Political Analyst
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Today's Women are very strong.
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