Thursday, 4 October 2012


                                     Recently,  The  Current Head of Myanmar, Mr.Thein Sein, made a welcome statement  in an interview with BBC that he would accept Aung San Suu Kyi as the next President of Myanmar, if she is democratically elected.  

         I'd assert that people  of Myanmar would love to democratically elect  her as the next President- provided Mr.Thein Sein, persuades  other members of his dictatorial Military Regime to sense peoples' moods and make the necessary amendments to Myanmar's Constitution by removing all sorts of illegal restrictions on her candidature as the next President elect- sooner than later-  to pave way for democracy and the rule of Aung San Suu Kyi as the next President in place of the current corrupt dictatorial regime. She was conferred Noble Prize For Peace  in 1991,  and also several  other International Prizes for her  leadership in democracy and peace.. Her party, "The National Leage For Democracy", including herself- had  got  democratically elected to Myanmar's Lower House of Parliament in 1991 securing comfortable majority; and much prior to that in 1989 itself she was illegally put under house arrest and only in November 2010 - she was set free from her House Arrest -succumbing to the mounting  Domestic and International pressure  of countries like US, Britain and South Africa etc including India.. . That democratic election of NLD, her party, and her own election as M.P to the Lower House of Parliament in 1991 was illegally nullified by the Military  Dictatorship by bending Myanmar's Constitutional Rules/Laws to suit their military regime and replacing them with laws that enabled  the military to impose its corrupt, and  dictatorial rule on the peace loving people of Myanmar in 1991.under the stewardship of Mr.Thein Sein. All these acts of the  brutal Military dictatorial regime were much against the democratic aspirations and  wishes of the people of Myanmar. Mr.Thein Sein, should respect and abide by the democratic wishes of  the people  of Myanmar, and step down leading to a democratic election of Ms.Suu Kyi- as the next President.

           A number of peaceful protest marches/movements carried out by the people of Myanmar all these years-  were brutally suppressed by the Military Regime.  History also bears ample  testimony to the fact that it is democracy alone that triumphs in the end and not  the illegal, unconstitutional, and autocratic military regimes.

               I'm looking forward to Ms.Aung San Suu Kyi, ascending  the Presidential Throne -in the near future; by once again proving that people of any country would love to elect persons of high stature and caliber  like Ms.Suu Kyi, and other members of her NLD party to govern their country and not corrupt dictators such as Mr.Thein Sein and his supporters, who'd never hesitated for a moment to trample upon peoples' fundamental freedoms, democracy and liberty with impunity.

Ms.Nirmala P.Rao
Legal Expert AND Political Analyst.


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